Author(s): Alejandro Federico Alva Martínez
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Institution or organization of origin: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa
Country: Mexico
The construction of a vehicular bridge over one of the main avenues (Periférico), in Xochimilco, Mexico City, removed the surface layer of a community of vegetation dominated by Typha latifolia and Schenoeplectus sp. and soil (Anthrosols) from a wetland. This action unleashed a social movement in defense and protection of wetlands in the City that originated a multidisciplinary study and work for the implementation of the rehabilitation and restoration of the wetland, this was based on using traditional strategies, selecting the Chinampa de Xochimilco system for its implementation. The chinampa system is a circular flow of nutrients based on the extraction of a base of lake sediments, to the exterior that will serve to plant and maintain different primary producers. During the construction of the bridge over the wetland, its surface layer of vegetation and soil was removed, and this was sent to the Cuitláhuac Park and the Cerro de la Estrella water treatment plant, Iztapalapa city hall and the Ajolote Museum, Zoo of Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo. With this material, new bodies of water and surface wetlands were created and rehabilitated, having in less than a year new wetland ecosystems in Mexico City, in the site of the original wetland it was excavated and systems of channels, apantles and bodies of water were created. , water is supplied via the water table and thanks to the hydric interconnectivity the native flora and fauna are reestablished, the long-term impact of the vehicular bridge over the wetland is still being studied.