Governance, Resilience and Sustainability
of Lakes for a Better Society
Plenary Keynote Address
- Sustainable management, conservation and innovation in water management in Mexico
- Technology development with minimal environmental impact for conservation and restoration of aquatic environments
- Governance, Financing and Knowledge Management of Transboundary Lakes and Beyond
Main themes
1. The Practice of Managing of Water Resources
2. Environment and Health
- Day 1: Thematic Keynote Presentation
- Day 3: Thematic Keynote Presentation
- Technical Presentations
- Catalogue of Oral Presentations
3. Economics
4. Science and Technology
Special Sessions
- Citizen Participation in Lake Basin Management, coordinated by Shiga Prefecture
- Water Solutionaries Create Waves from Great Lakes to Great Lakes
- UNEP-ILEC Special Session on Mainstreaming Lakes and Wetlands in the Global Water Agenda and SDGs
- Management Interventions and Long- term Collaboration Needs on the African Great Lakes
- Lake Briefs for Obtaining Information and Data for Integrated Management of Lakes and reservoirs and Their Ecosystem Services in Latin America
- Panel: Governance in Latin American Lakes (session in spanish)