Sistematización del proceso participativo para el Acuerdo Voluntario para la Gestión de la Cuenca de Aculeo, Chile

Author(s): Pablo Villoch Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: Glocalminds Country: Chile Abstract Esta ponencia busca compartir la sistematización del proceso participativo de diálogo multiactor orientado a la generación del Acuerdo Voluntario para la Gestión de la Cuenca de Aculeo, en la Región Metropolitana de Chile, impulsado desde el año 2019 por la Agencia Chilena de … Read more

Leadership for Economic Growth and Sustainable Lake Management

Author(s): Audy Joinaldy Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: Government of West Sumatera Province, Indonesia Country: Indonesia Abstract Leadership for Economic Growth and Sustainable Lake Management Audy Joinaldy Vice Governor of West Sumatera Province, Indonesia West Sumatera Province is a Province in Indonesia that has 5 lakes: Lake Maninjau, Singkarak, Diatas, Dibawah and Talang. Facing the … Read more

Revisting the Lake Basin “Heartware” Concept

Author(s): Sergio Antonio Silva Muñoz Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: University of Guanajuato Country: Mexico Abstract In pursuit of achieving an improved Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM), a major focus of the last thirteen years has been placed on the enhancement of Lake Basin “Heartware” as an alternative concept to incorporate Lake Basin stakeholders’ intangible … Read more

Towards an integrated “Heartware – Hardware – Software” Approach to Lake Management: Insights Water Warriors Living Lab, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

Author(s): Zeeda Fatimah Mohamad Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: Universit Malaya Country: Malaysia Abstract This paper presents the 8-years’ experience of the Water Warriors Living Lab, a grassroots sustainable campus action research initiative in applying the integrated ‘Heartware – Hardware – Software’ approach for integrated water management at the University of Malaya since the year … Read more

Colaboración en RED para la gobernanza en cuencas lacustres, el caso de la Red Mexicana de Cuencas

Author(s): Eduardo Ríos Patrón Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: Red Mexicana de Cuencas Country: Mexico Abstract El fomento de procesos colaborativos en red es un componente importante para impulsar la investigación y el manejo de cuerpos de agua y sus cuencas, en particular en su componente de gobernanza. Desde la Red Mexicana de Cuencas Hidrográficas … Read more

Elaboración de Fichas Informativas ILBM de América Latina

Author(s): Alejandro Juárez Email (s): corazondela Institution or organization of origin: Instituto Corazón de La Tierra Country: Mexico Abstract Entre 2019 y 2021 se realizó un proyecto de elaboración de Fichas Informativas de Lagos y Embalses (Lake Briefs) en 5 países de América Latina. En el mismo participaron 23 equipos de investigación (23 lagos/embalses) de México, Argentina, … Read more

Governing the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River: the rise of municipal governance

Author(s): Lauren Touchant Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: University of Ottawa Country: Canada Abstract Municipalities play a growing role in water governance in Canada, despite the fact they are entities of the provinces/territories, and do not hold any status in the Constitution. Municipalities joined a variety of networks, which enabled them to work with one … Read more

Redes: sinergia por la sustentabilidad. Configuración y características de la red pro sustentabilidad ambiental de la Cuenca del Lago de Pátzcuaro (CLP)

Author(s): Katia Beatriz Villafán Vidales Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo Country: Mexico Abstract La sustentabilidad es un movimiento global en construcción, que se nutre de prácticas y teorías alternativas al desarrollo predominante (capitalismo), proponiendo la transición a un nuevo modelo de vida universal para la humanidad, con tres … Read more

Trasimeno lake responses to climate change and governance policies: present and future scenarios

Author(s): Sara Venturi Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: University of Perugia Country: Italy Abstract The study of large shallow lakes involves many perspectives, including climatology and hydrology, water resource management, environmental and socio-economic point of view. In shallow water bodies, the balance between water supplies, evaporation losses and use of water resource is often extremely … Read more

Sustainable Water Resource In Lake Rawa Pening Indonesia

Author(s): Supriyanto Supriyanto Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: Directorate of Inland Water Degradation Control, Indonesia Ministry of Environment and Forestr Country: Indonesia Abstract Anthropogenic activities in Lake Rawa Pening in Indonesia have prompted the pressure of lentic ecosystem to provide ecological services to human being. This leads to decreasing water quality because of eutrophication, sedimentation … Read more