Management Interventions and Long-term Collaboration Needs on the African Great Lakes

About the Session:

Collaboration on the African Great Lakes to Strengthen Science and Create Solutions.

In this Special Session, the African Center for Aquatic Research and Education (ACARE) will present an overview of their vision and long-term strategies for strengthening science, research, and education on the Great Lakes of Africa: Albert & Edward, Kivu, Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa Basin, Tanganyika, Victoria, and Turkana. In line with the WLC Conference theme, session presentations and talks will be made through i) lake specific-advisory groups and ii) the African Women in Science program. The session will focus on outcomes of the recent scientific inquiry conducted on assessing the status of each of the African Great Lakes, suggested management interventions, lessons learnt and present opportunities for global freshwater collaboration for improved health of these lakes. Integrated in these presentations will be matters of gender balance and critical roles played by women on the African Great Lakes towards their sustainable management and use. The special session will conclude with interactive discussions by attendees on how to better collaborate with and learn from other global lake entities focused on science, research and building bridges to policy and positive change for lake ecosystems and their surrounding communities.