The Governance and Protection of Lake Erhai

By Jun Xu
November 11th, 10 hrs (GMT-6)

Prof. Jun Xu obtained his Ph.D. in the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB-CAS) in 2005. He has worked as a post-doctor in Lund University, Sweden in 2010-2012, and has visited Jyvaskyla University, Finland and University of Florida, USA during 2013-2016. From 2016 onwards, he has been appointed professor in IHB-CAS, who is one of the youngest professors of the institute. His research focuses on how global environmental changes affect aquatic food web interactions, ecological stoichiometry and biodiversity, and how to mitigate these impacts. Currently, he is the leader of the National Key R&D Program of China “Food web Structure and Persistence Mechanism of Fishery Resources in China” (2 million $), and has also been funded many projects by the National Science foundation of China. Meanwhile, he has received many awards from the national level. He is now the head of water quality and biology security evaluation research center of IHB. He has published more than 100 research papers in international journals, including the high reputation journals, such as Science, GCB, Ecology, Water Research, Journal of Applied Ecology, Freshwater Biology and L&O.

Session description

This session contents the following:

  • An overview of Lake Erhai
  • Changes of Governance Stages
  • Measures and Achievements
  • Future Challenges

Session Chair: José de Jesús Mora Rodríguez, University of Guanajuato