Impact of a tropical Cyclone “Tit li and Fani” on Spatial Distribution of Marine Community of Chilika lake

Author(s): Debasish Mahapatro Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: Berhampur University Country: India Abstract: Impact of a tropical Cyclone “Tit li and Fani” on Spatial Distribution of Marine Community of Chilika lake 1Debasish Mahapatro and 2Rajani Kanta Mishra 1Berhampur University, Berhampur, -760007, Ganjam , Odisha 2National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), Ministry of Earth … Read more

Lake Brief: Lake Fúquene

Author(s): Julia Pérez Sillero Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: Fundación Humedales Country: Colombia Abstract: Fúquene Lake is located in the central part of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera at 2,600 metres above sea level. It is one of the most important fresh water bodies and the second largest ecosystem above this altitude in the Northern Andes … Read more

Lago de Pátzcuaro

Author(s): Frida Sauno Contreras Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: Panorama Ambiental A.C. Country: Mexico Abstract: El lago de Pátzcuaro es uno de los lagos naturales de mayor importancia en México por su identidad ecológica, histórica, social, cultural, económica y pesquera, lo cual, le genera atributos y atractivos de reconocimiento mundial. Esta región presenta numerosos … Read more

New viewpoints beyond for managing nonpoint source pollution

Author(s): Keiko Wada Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: Institute of Lake Biwa-Yodo River Water Environmental Research, Lake Biwa-Yodo River Water Quality Preservation Organization Country: Japan Abstract: The Lake Biwa – Yodo River basin, a representative river system of Japan, spreads across six prefectures in the Kinki Region. This river system is blessed with abundant … Read more

Impact of Climate Change in Lakes – Water body, Ecosystem –

Author(s): Takashi FujioEmail (s): Institution or organization of origin: Ministry of The Environment, JAPAN Country: Japan Abstract: There are concerns about changes in the water environment of lakes and reservoirs due to rising temperatures and increased frequency of heavy rainfall caused by climate change. We conducted a forecast of water quality changes and impact assessment using … Read more

Downscaling of ILBM to the Sub-basin level: a Test of Effectiveness

Author(s): Adelina Santos-Borja Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: International Lake Environment Committee Foundation, Southeast Asian Limnological Network Country: Philippines Abstract: The implementation of Integrated Lake Basin Management is a daunting task especially in large lake basins, like the Laguna de Bay Basin in the Philippines, with a total area of 3,820 km2. There are … Read more

Basin and lake formation during the tectonic convergence in NW Himalaya

Author(s): Afroz Ahamd Shah Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: Universiti Brunei Darussalam Country: Brunei Abstract: The tectonic convergence between the lithospheric plates of India and Eurasia has created several basins and lakes throughout the dimensions of the Himalayan orogen. Previous studies on these lakes have mainly focused on issues like management, restoration, biodiversity, sedimentation … Read more

Global survey on Lake Restoration: First results

Author(s): Sandra Poikane Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: European Commission Joint Research Centre Country: Italy Abstract: The World Water Quality Alliance Ecosystems Workstream has initiated a Global Survey of Lake Restoration. The results provide geographical resolution on the challenges and solutions associated with improving water quality and lake restoration in practice. The survey includes … Read more

Lago de Xochimilco, la importancia de su preservación: retos y oportunidades.

Author(s): Nancy Nayeli Domínguez Alfaro Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco Country: México Abstract: El actual lacustre de Xochimilco, conformado de múltiples canales y chinampas, es uno de los tres cuerpos acuíferos del antiguo Valle de México. Es hábitat de múltiples especies, fuente de oxígeno y recursos naturales en la Ciudad … Read more

Mapeo de la gobernanza para el manejo integral del Embalse Escaba, Tucumán, Norte de Argentina

Author(s): Andrea Romina Diaz Gomez Email (s): Institution or organization of origin: Centro de Estudios Integrales de la Dinámica Exógena, Catedra Manejo de Cuencas Hidrográficas, Universidad Nacional de la Plata Country: Argentina Abstract: Las cuencas de lagos en América Latina enfrentan numerosas problemáticas relacionadas al manejo de los recursos hídricos y la conservación de los recursos naturales. Provocadas … Read more