Governance, Financing and Knowledge Management of Transboundary Lakes and Beyond

How will we re -establish a modern water-recycling society? The answer to this question may be  realized by two key This keynote address will first illustrate how the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes  (Water Convention), serves as a mechanism to strengthen national measures and international cooperation for the ecologically sound … Read more

Technology development with minimal environmental impact for conservation and restoration of aquatic environments

How will we re -establish a modern water-recycling society? The answer to this question may be  realized by two key technologies, nutrient recovery technologies through aerobic and anaerobic fermentation, and bioproduction technologies such as microalgal mass culture and hydroponic  cultivation. Three recent and ongoing projects in Japan, Malaysia, and Ethiopia to recover nutrients from unused organic waste and produce microalgae are introduced. The first project, “Novel Lake … Read more

Sustainable management, conservation and innovation in water management in Mexico

About the plenary keynote speaker: The first Plenary Keynote Address will feature Dr. Humberto Marengo Mogollón, Deputy Technical Director of the Mexican National Water Commission (CONAGUA). Dr. Humberto Marengo Mogollón has a bachelor’s degree, Master in Sciences, and Doctorate in Civil Engineering, from the Faculty of Engineering of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, where … Read more