Iron deficiency anemia
Greetings hope this class finds you in perfect conditions. Welcome to this 6th Class from the Hematology online course provided by the University of Guanajuato.
In this class some basics concepts of anemia are going to be reviewed, regarding the hemoglobin concentration and the correct function of the bone marrow; as well as some adaptative mechanisms and erythrocyte characteristics (volume and hemoglobin content). The complete blood cell count is still going to be used in this anemia studies.
The iron deficiency anemia corresponds to the most common nutrient deficiency type, to better understand this, the iron metabolism is going to be reviewed, starting from its absorption in the intestine, its storage in the enterocyte, its transportation to the cells and tissues it is needed. Also, the proteins involved in these processes are going to be reviewed and learned, because they are important in some laboratory tests, in order to diagnose this iron deficiency anemia.
A special process where the macrophage transfers iron to the surrounding erythroblasts, for them to synthesize hemoglobin, is going to be learned and reviewed, complementing the 3rd class where this process is only mentioned.
All of this information will help to better understand the basic concepts of iron deficiency anemia, reviewing the complete blood count parameters and the erythrocytes histograms; as well as some other microcytic anemias not related to iron deficiency.
The opposite case will also be reviewed, regarding the iron overload, because this is also a concern to the patient’s health.
This class will be closed with the resolution of two case reports where all of this information will be applied.
Content development
Everything is in a power point presentation.
Anemia is mainly stablished when hemoglobin levels are decreased.
Iron deficiency anemia is predominantly microcytic and hypochromic.
Not all microcytic and hypochromic anemias are iron-deficient. Iron overload could be a very critical condition