D Assembly
Hello! Welcome to the seventh session of Selected Design Topics II. In the last session of our course, we learned how to draw and cut a scale model. This time we will address the assembly of volumetric representations. We will highlight the Importance of that each part of the process of building a model. We will also Identify the essential material to assemble a model and we will point out the ideal type and brand so that you get the professional results.
We will examine one more taxonomy of models according to their color, which is basic because the assembly methodology that we will follow depend on this. We will understand that it is possible to make monochromatic models, that can be left unpainted if a certain type of paper is chosen; monochromic models, that can be painted; and polychromatic models, that require a specific assembly order (if we want this process to be easier and faster). We will study one of the techniques that can give us the best results in a model if it is carried out correctly: spray painting. We will point out some suggestions to apply spray painting on illustration paper, always considering how to select a color according to what we have learned about color theory and color psychology in sessions 1 and 2 of this course.
Finally, we will explore some of the tools that are necessary to assemble a model, focusing on two main actions that are carried out during this process: the application of glue and the hold of parts.
We wish you every success in this seventh session. Let us get started.
Content developement
Every step of a model building process is important. The care that must be taken in assembling a model is as crucial as the drawing and the cut. To successfully assemble a model, an essential material must be considered: glue. White glue is often thought of as a weak school adhesive. However, if applied correctly it is the material that we suggest when putting a model together. We can find it under the trademark Elmer’s. The use of adhesives with a greater adhesive power is not recommended because it does not require a greater adherence than that offered by white glue.
The models can be classified, by their color, in monochromatic (of a single color) or polychromatic (of several colors). Before putting together a model it is important to decide whether it will be monochromatic or polychromatic. If the model is monochromatic, you can choose a different paper than the illustration from the drawing of the model, such as model making cardboard, whose nice appearance allows us to leave the model unpainted and to assemble It immediately after cutting the pieces that make It.
If you want a monochromatic model to have a different color than the paper, it is better to build the model from the beginning on illustration paper, then cut it, assemble it, and finally paint it. The technique that offers the most professional results when painting a model is spray painting. It is not recommended to use acrylic paint. These are some suggestions for applying spray painting, particularly on illustration paper.
- Define an outdoor work area, protecting the area on which we will paint with newspaper or plastic.
- Shake the spray can before use.
- Make sure that the nozzle (hole) points towards the object we want to paint.
- Place the model to be painted on the newspaper.
- Always keep the spray at approximately 30 cm from the paper.
- Apply the paint moving the hand that holds the spray, making a path from left to right.
- Do not stop the movement of the hand at any time. If the hand stops, an excess of paint will be applied, which will produce a stain.
- Press the button only while the hand passes over the paper.
If the model is polychromatic, the pieces must be painted before the model is assembled because each piece will have a different color and they will be in contact with each other once the model is assembled, which would considerably hinder the application of paint. The procedure for painting separate parts is the same as for a monochromatic model made with illustration paper.
The tools for building a scale model are also important to get professional results. We must consider two actions to be carried out, the application of the glue and the holding of the pieces, which are sometimes very small. To apply adhesive there are those who prefer to use a syringe, but this requires the needle to be precise enough, which can hurt us while putting a model together. For this reason, we suggest you use a wooden toothpick, which does not represent a risk, it is not necessary to fill it like a needle, it does not block, and it is just as effective to apply small amounts of glue.

As to the holding of the pieces during assembly, we must consider tools such as a set square, which will allow us to hold a piece that must be at 90 degrees from another while the glue dries. If the model has very small pieces, you can use small tweezers to hold them while applying glue and while they are being glued to a larger piece.
Watch how to assemble a model in the next video (subtitles In English are available):
- Which Is harder to be made? A monochromatic or a polychromatic model?
- Had you painted with spray before this class? What Is the biggest challenge?
- Why painting and assembling related when building a model?
- What Is the strongest glue you know? What Is the weakest?
Considering the model assembly technique that we have learned in this session, do the next assignment.
Now that we have finished studying some of the most important notions about model building, let us review the content of this session.
We learned that assembly is as important as the other steps in making a model. We observed that the main material to assemble a model is the adhesive and we pointed out white glue as the ideal, which can be found under the trademark Elmer’s.
We studied a taxonomy of models, which divides them by their color into monochromatic and polychromatic, which is relevant because depending on this feature, the assembly process will follow a certain order. We highlighted that a monochromatic model can be made with model making paper and can be left unpainted; or it can be made of illustration paper, assembled, and then painted in a single color. We identified spray painting as the technique from which we can get the best results and we studied the steps to apply it on illustration paper, from defining an outdoor work area, to how to press the button while painting. On the other hand, we explored the methodology that must be followed to assemble a polychromatic model, which consists of painting the pieces and, later, assembling the model.
In addition, we examined some of the tools that are necessary to assemble a model: the wooden stick to apply small amounts of adhesive in the required areas; and the set square to keep In Its place a piece that must be glued at 90º from another.
Independently of the type of model, as viewers, It Is Important to know that the procedure to make a model Is not easy. Very special skills, tools and materials are needed to achieve a well-built model, so we should appreciate the final result when we look at it. As creators, each step to make a model should be considered to make a professional model.
Congratulations on completing this seventh session of Selected Design Topics II! We are one session away from reaching the end of this adventure! In our next class we will bring together everything we have learned in this course into a single project. Do not miss it!
Information sources
BATERIA: Maqueta Básica, Parte 3
Pintura con spray para modelismo