Author(s): Molika Lim
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Institution or organization of origin: Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC)
Country: Cambodia
Natural organic matter (NOM) residual after coagulation-floculation process is a criticial challenge for coventional water treatment due to the reaction of NOM residual with disinfectant such as chlorine will form the disfection by product, for example, trihalomethanes in final drinking water. This study aimed to investigate on how powder activated carbon (PAC) could improve the removal effciency of NOM present in Tonle Sap River water when it is injected simultanously with coagulant, ferric chloride (FeCl3). The experiments of NOM removal on coagulant based, PAC based and combination of both were conducted in laboratory scale by following the experimental conditions from the water treatment plant. The water sample used was the influent of water treatment plant at Phnom Penh Water Suppliy Authority. The parameters such as pH, turbidity, UV254, dissolved orgainc matter (DOC), and specific ultra violet absorbance (SUVA) were analyzed. The average NOM removal by coagulant (FeCl3) based was 80.15% and 56.56% of NOM as indicated by UV254 and dissolved organized carbon (DOC), respectively. In addition, NOM removal was increased when PAC was added simultanously with coagulant in coagulation process with an average of 98.86% and 64.79% of UV254 and DOC, respectively.