Author(s): Shunsuke Nishimura
Email (s):
Institution or organization of origin: Shiga Prefectural Government
Country: Japan
The State of Michigan, USA, and Shiga Prefecture, Japan became sister states in 1968 through the connection of their lakes, the Great Lakes and Lake Biwa. Since then, both states have had many exchanges in various fields such as culture, education and civil participation. In 1971, the Good Will Mission, which is the mutual exchange of citizens’ delegation, was started, through it, citizens in both states have deepened mutual understanding and friendship. In 1988, the Japan Center for Michigan Universities was established in Shiga and more than ten thousand students from Michigan and Shiga have learned together since then. We believe that the exchange between Michigan and Shiga is a good example of the power of lakes, which connect people beyond national boundaries and different cultures and customs, and that this connection leads to various people-to-people exchanges and greater mutual understanding.