Clase digital 6. Recuerdos y sentimientos en infancia y adolescencia

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Recuerdos y sentimientos en infancia y adolescencia


Hello, how are you feeling today? Hopefully you are doing great. 

Welcome to final class 6!! Los contenidos de la Clase giran en torno a los temas:

 Recuerdos y Sentimientos en Infancia y Adolescencia. 

  • Pasado Simple de verbos regulares y verbos irregulares
  • Pronunciación del pasado -ed: /t/ /id/ /d/
  • Pasado simple del verbo Be en sus formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa
  • Etapas respecto a la edad.
  • Casa 
  • Muebles

Tradiciones culturales y eventos importantes.

  • Repaso de Preguntas WH con pasado: What, which, when, where, who, why, how.
  • Preposiciones de tiempo
  • Expresiones de tiempo pasado
  • Expresiones de secuencia
  • Días festivos 

Como puedes percibir nos centraremos en el tiempo pasado.

Desarrollo del tema

The simple past tense

The simple past tense, sometimes called the preterit, is used to talk about a completed action in a time before now. The simple past is the basic form of past tense in English. The time of the action can be in the recent past or the distant past and action duration is not important.

You always use the simple past when you say when something happened, so it is associated with certain past time expressions:

frequency: often, sometimes, always

  • I sometimes walked home at lunchtime.
  • I often brought my lunch to school.

a definite point in time: last week, when I was a child, yesterday, six weeks ago

  • We saw a good film last week.
  • Yesterday, I arrived in Geneva.
  • She finished her work at seven o’clock
  • I went to the theatre last night

an indefinite point in time: the other day, ages ago, a long time ago

  • People lived in caves a long time ago.
  • She played the piano when she was a child.

Note: the word ago is a useful way of expressing the distance into the past. It is placed after the period of time: a week ago, three years ago, a minute ago.

Check the following video:

What did you do during the weekend?

Pronunciación del pasado/ Pronunciation of past tense verbs:    

   –ed: /t/ /id/ /d/

ED past pronunciation

The past simple tense and past participle of all regular verbs end in-ed. For example:

  • work, worked, worked

In addition, many adjectives are made from the past participle and so end in -ed. For example:

  • I like neon painted furniture.

The question is, how do we pronounce the -ed? The answer is, in 3 ways:


For more on the -ed sound:

¿Recuerdas el verbo “be”? sabes que en pasado este verbo es sencillo… solo necesitamos “was” y “were”. A continuación, el pasado simple del verbo Be en sus formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

AfirmativoNegativoNegativo contraídoInterrogativo
I wasI was notI wasn´tWas I?
You wereYou were notYou weren´tWere you?
He/she/it wasHe/she/it was notHe/she/it wasn´tWas he/she/it?
We wereWe were notWe weren´tWere we?
You wereYou were notYou weren´tWere you?
They wereThey were notThey weren´tWere they?

Respecto a la edad / About age

There are various stages throughout the life of a human being some are: Baby, toddler, infant, childhood, boy, girl, teenager, adolescent, puberty, youth.

Now you have all the elements for a timeline. Let´s review the life of Nelson Mandela:

Can you identify the major events during Nelson Mandela´s life stages?

  • childhood
  • adolescence
  • adulthood
  • later years. 

Do you remember your house when you were 5 years old? 

Let´s review some vocabulary: 

Casa / House

Home, room, living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, roof, hall, attic, basement, garden, garage, library, balcony, swimming pool.

brown and white concrete house near green trees under blue sky during daytime

Muebles / Furniture

Table, chair, sofa, armchair, fireplace, chimney, door, window, handle, stair, staircase, bookshelf, bookcase, bed, closet, cupboard, toilet, washbasin, bathtub, shower.

tidy room filled with furnitures

How was your childhood house?

Con lo revisado ahora puedes describir como era la casa de tu infancia.

To check the pronunciation of this vocabulary let´s review the next video:

If you are ready complete the following exercises:

Aprendamos un poco de WH-question:

Repaso de Preguntas WH/WH question words: 

Remember wh questions?. Complete the dialogues below using the words below. 

How /What/ When/ Where/ Which/ Who /Whose/ Why 

  1. A: ____________ do you like pizza? B: Because it’s delicious.
  2. A: ____________ pen is this? B: I think it’s John’s pen. 
  3. A: ____________ did you get here? B: I took a cab. 
  4. A: ____________ of these apples do you prefer? B: I prefer the apple on the left.
  5. A: ____________ are you eating? B: I’m eating sushi. 
  6. A: ____________ did you get here? B: I arrived 20 minutes ago. 
  7. A: ____________ are you talking to? B: I’m talking to my friend. 
  8. A: ____________ are you? B: I’m home.

Preposiciones de tiempo/ Time prepositions:

We use:

  • at for a PRECISE TIME
  • on for DAYS and DATES

Let´s see if you can do the following exercises:

Prepositions of time: since, for, ago, before, to, past, to, from, till, until, by, after, as soon as, by the time, once, until, while, when.

For more on time prepositions check:

Expresiones de tiempo/Time Expressions: Yesterday, last night, last week, last month, last year, two days ago, a week ago, three years ago, yesterday morning, the day before yesterday, ago, last, B.C, A.D.

Check the following for further explanation:

Expresiones de secuencia/Sequence words: first, then, next, finally, before, after later.

In the following reading abstract you can see how the expression for sequence are used to present the steps to make a tasty sandwich:  

Before everything you buy all the ingredients. Then you need to buy bread from the bakery. After that you can go to the market and buy sliced turkey. Then you can go to buy fresh lettuce and tomatoes. Later, you can take all of the ingredients home and prepare the sandwich.

For more on sequence words check:

Tradiciones culturales y eventos importantes

A celebration is a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event.

The words holiday or vacation have related meanings in different English-speaking countries and continents, but will usually refer to one of the following activities or events:

  • A general leave of absence from a regular occupation for rest or recreation
  • A specific trip or journey for the purposes of recreation / tourism
  • Official or unofficial observances of religious/national/cultural/other significance, often accompanied by celebrations or festivities (public/religious holiday)

So, what is the difference between holiday, vacation and festival?

Types of holidays

Holidays are either religious or secular: Most holidays are linked to faiths and religious. They are religious holidays. Secular or non religious holidays can be national (Independence Day) or international (Mother Day).

green and brown christmas wreath

Días festivos / Holidays-celebrations

New Year´s Eve, New Year´s Day, Chinese New Year, Valentine´s Day, Easter, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Mother´s day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Christmas, Three Kings Eve, Thanksgiving Day, Halloween, Day of the Dead, Carnival, spring break, summer break, winter break, anniversary, birthday, celebration, commemoration.

Check the following video for this vocabulary pronunciation:

Can you describe a cultural tradition for your hometown?
Are there any special events you recently attended?
What is your favorite Holiday?
How was your last birthday celebration?

Como ves todo el vocabulario revisado en esta última clase nos permite hablar de nuestro pasado, nuestras tradiciones, eventos especiales o importantes en nuestra vida. 


Remember: The simple past is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that happened or existed before now. And for regular verbs we use -ed, but this can have three ways to be pronounce: id / t / d.

You did very well! Remember to prepare the assigned task and send it accordingly.

Don´t forget to review all the elements of this class before doing it. 

We have finished the contents for English B. It has been a joy to share with you this formative journey. I hope that the course has met your expectations and that you are satisfied with the topics covered as well as with your performance and commitment. Great job!!

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