Author(s): Ana Paula Montenegro Generino
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Institution or organization of origin: National Water and Sanitation Agency – ANA
Country: Brazil
To monitor the recovery of the Doce river basin after the collapse of the tailings dam from Fundão mining, located in Mariana, Minas Gerais/Brazil, the Program for Quali-Quantitative Monitoring of Water and Sediments of the Doce River – PMQQS was developed. This program is provided for the Term of Conduct Adjustment Transaction between the Union, the impacted states and the companies responsible for the dam. To manage the implementation of the PMQQS the Technical Monitoring Group – TMG was created, composed of technicians from federal and state environmental and water resources institutions. The main goal of the TMG is to make sure PMQQS provides realiable data. So, the TMG stipulated scientific validation criteria and qualification of the data, recording them in Technical Notes available at The validation and qualification process consists of applying the evaluated data to the validation criteria and, if this data meets the validation criteria, applying the criteria of qualification. The Validators are criteria that identify physical limitations of individual data or data set. Its role is to identify any invalid data and remove them from the database in order to ensure the integrity of this database. V1 Quantification limit ≤ [Parameter (dissolved)] ≤ 1,2 x[Parameter (total)] V2 |pHin situ – pHlab ≤ 1 V3 0,85 ≤ (Electric conductivityin 𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑢/ Electric conductivitylab ) ≤ 1,15 V4 0,92 ≤ [Total solids/(Solidstotal suspended + Solids total dissolved)] ≤ 1,12 V5 0 ≤ pH ≤ 14 V6 [Dissolved Oxygen] ≤ 15 mg/L V7 Water temperature ≤ 35 ºC.