Clase digital 3. Formas de cortesía e instrucciones de clase

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Formas de cortesía e instrucciones de clase


Welcome to class 3!

This one is about being polite.

Los buenos modales juegan un papel muy importante en la vida de cualquier persona, ya que la manera en cómo interactuamos con los demás, define nuestra personalidad y marcará la diferencia entre que una situación se dé de forma exitosa o se torne desagradable.

Actuar de manera cordial y respetuosa no sólo debes tenerlo en cuenta en tu entorno o al encontrarte con tu familia y amigos, sino también cuando viajas al extranjero, debido a que no conoces bien la cultura de las personas que te rodean. Entonces, aprenderte algunas frases en inglés para tener buenos modales te ayudará a expresarte de la manera correcta donde sea que te encuentres.

We will also review vocabulary to address what we may have in the classroom or in an office/ En el salón de clase y la oficina.

Classroom objects are the educational equipment and the objects in a classroom. The classroom objects can include stationery equipment, teaching materials and other school supplies.

Desarrollo del tema

Ser cortés / Be polite

Mencionábamos ya que es importante conocer frases de cortesía y términos que nos permitan expresar cortésmente. Este tipo de expresiones se conocen en inglés como polite expressions y agregan un tono de respeto a la conversación que estemos sosteniendo.

Here are some polite expressions:

Please, Thank you, Excuse me, Sorry, How are you?, Pardon?, You’re welcome.

For the pronunciation check the following video:

Check the following video. An answer the questions.

  • What is the last name of the boy?
  • What is the last name of the girl?
  • What is they room number classroom?
  • What is the name of their teacher?
  • What are the polite expressions used by the girl?

Instrucciones de clase

El salón de clase / The classroom

These are words and expressions are frequently used in the classroom by the teacher and by students. Do you know them?

  • Objects: pen, pencil, eraser, desk, school subject, project, evidence, portfolio, notebook, homework, assignment, test, exam, quiz.
  • Teacher Commands: blank, space, instructions, complete, answer, underline, circle, open your book, close your book, work in groups/ pairs/ partners, turn to page __, listen, quiet please, sit down, stand up, pay attention, turn off your cell phone, ask and answer questions.
  • Open / close your book.pen / pencil / eraser / desk.
  • How do you say __________ ?
  • What does mean? How do you spell __________ ?
  • Can you repeat that, please?
  • Can you go slower?
  • I don´t understand.
  • Quiz / Project / Evidence / Portfolio / Notebook / Homework / Test / Exam. Work in groups / pairs / partners.
  • Turn to page ____________ .
  • Listen, quiet please.
  • Sit down, stand up. pay attention.
  • May I come in?
  • May I go to the bathroom?
  • Turn off your cell phone.
  • Complete, underline, circle.
  • Blank/ space.
  • Ask and answer questions.
  • Can you play the audio again?

Student interactions

  • Can you play the audio again?
  • May I come in?
  • May I go to the restroom / toilet?
  • How do you say __________ ?
  • What does __________ mean?
  • How do you spell __________?
  • Can you repeat that, please?
  • Can you go slower?
  • I don’t understand.

Imagen 1. Salón de clases.

Analiza las frases arriba señaladas sobre el salón de clase y señala quien usaría la frase y en qué situación se requeriría cada una de esas frases.


Open / close your book. El maestro la usaría para iniciar o terminar de trabajar con el libro.

For more class instructions check the following video:


El uso de expresiones de cortesía y frases frecuentes en el aula es importante para el día a día, aún si estamos en sesiones virtuales existen reglas como la netiqueta.

The word netiquette is a combination of ’net’ (from internet) and ’etiquette’. It means respecting other users’ views and displaying common courtesy when posting your views to online discussion groups.

Almost every site has a page for newcomers that describes its rules of good behavior. Usually, this page will appear as the terms and conditions you must agree to when you open your account. However, sites may have additional information. You should read all of it.

Check to see if the site has a FAQ (frequently asked questions) section. FAQs typically include questions that have been asked and answered hundreds of times. If you have any queries about site protocol, you will most likely discover the dos and don’ts here.

Finally, it’s always wise to see what the discussion group has been talking about for a week or two before you begin to post your messages. Online, as in real life, it can take a long time to get past a bad first impression.

This is all this time, see you next one, don´t forget to do your Consignas on time.