Clase digital 5. Profesiones y ocupaciones

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Profesiones y ocupaciones


Welcome to class 5!

Talking about work is one of the most common types of conversation in any language and so it is important to be able to recognize and discuss various types of jobs.

This might be in order to talk about what you do for work or to be able to talk to others about their jobs as well as being able to understand conversations where careers are being discussed. You can begin your journey to adding English job names to your vocabulary by carefully reading through this section.

Also important is to identify the person doing the action in the sentence and in this class, we will talk about personal pronouns as a short word we use as a simple substitute for the proper name of a person. Each of the English personal pronouns shows us the grammatical person, gender, number, and case of the noun it replaces.

Personal pronouns stand in for the people (and perhaps animals) who star in our sentences. They allow us to speak and write with economy because they enable us to avoid repeating some proper nouns all the live-long day.

Let’s begin with the class!

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Profesiones y ocupaciones

A job, or occupation, is a person’s role in society. More specifically, a job is an activity, often regular and performed in exchange for payment. Many people have multiple jobs. Similarly, a profession is a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification. And finally, a career is when you do a series of connected job or employment options one after the other, then this builds up your career path. Your career is not one job, but the series of jobs. During the course of your career, you are building up skills and moving higher to earn more bucks. At the same time, you gain skills ideal to be prestigious and have more employment opportunities.

  • Ocupaciones – profesiones / Occupations – Professions: Teacher, student, accountant, artist, secretary, doctor, nurse, lawyer, engineer, architect, businessperson, musician, waiter, waitress, photographer, salesperson, clerk, reporter, manager, janitor, construction worker, farmer, carpenter, plumber, taxi driver, butcher, baker, housekeeper, tailor, politician, chef, air host/air hostess, pilot.
  • Áreas académicas o de trabajo / Work areas: Accounting, administration, medicine, nursing, teaching, law, engineering, architecture, business or commerce, music, waiting/catering, photography/art, sales, media, management, cleaning services, travel and tourism.


Names of jobs and professions are usually formed with the help of the suffixes

For more you can check the following page:

Professions & Occupations

Read the following:

Why pursue an ordinary job when so many fascinating and unique careers now exist? Having a career that’s unique and interesting often comes with substantial benefits. It can mean being paid to do something that you love—something that you are passionate about (which can help you maintain a higher level of job satisfaction and fulfillment).


It’s likely that this is one of the more interesting career paths that you never knew existed. Hippotherapists are also called therapeutic riding instructors and equine therapists. Hippotherapy is the practice of riding horses as a form of therapy for children and adults who experience disabilities. It can be used as a form of physical therapy in which the horse’s movements affect the rider’s body. It can also be used for therapeutic riding in order to enhance the patients’ levels of interaction, recreation, and socialization. And equine therapy can provide life-skills training, rehabilitation, and employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Imagen 1. Hippotherapist.

Therapeutic riding instructors are part of a care team. You will work with medical professionals to help patients achieve their goals. These goals could include:

  • Developing balance, coordination, and mobility
  • Enhancing muscle tone and strength
  • Improving concentration
  • Providing independence and a sense of achievement
  • Building confidence and motivation

You could be responsible for teaching private and group lessons, creating lesson plans to support your riders’ goals, performing assessments, writing progress notes, and caring for the horses and barn. Along with enjoying learning and teaching, you will need horsemanship skills and an understanding of a variety of disabilities and special needs. Depending on your background, you may want to start out by volunteering at a therapeutic riding center in order to gain experience. You also may want to consider earning a social science degree or diploma since hippotherapists often draw inspiration and treatment approaches from related fields like psychology, counseling, sociology, and social work.

(Extracted from: Professions. Recovered from:

Imagen 2. Imagen 2. Empresas.

What do you want to be?

Choosing a job or career is one of the most important decisions of your life. If you are like numerous young people, you don’t know the answer to the big “What do you want to be when you grow up?” question, and you’re stressed about it. That is even more likely to be the case if everyone you know is asking you what you want to do.

Maybe you have a few ideas about what path you would like to pursue, but you do not know whether these ideas are realistic or not.

Maybe you’re asking yourself questions such as:

  • Is it best to follow my dreams or is it best to be practical?
  • When should I decide?
  • Can I change my mind or will I be locked into my career choice?

Deciding on a career is not easy. If you have not figured it out yet, you are not alone, find people who can help you with the decision. And if someone asks you what you want to be, you can answer the question truthfully: “I’m exploring my options.»

Pronombre personales / Personal pronouns

A personal pronoun can be in one of three “persons”, they stand in for the people (and perhaps animals) who star in our sentences. They allow us to speak and write with economy because they enable us to avoid repeating proper nouns all the live-long day.

Bishop Desmond Tutu was born in 1931 in South Africa and Bishop Desmond Tutu rose to international fame in the 1980s as an opponent of apartheid. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Bishop Desmond Tutu in 1984. Bishop Desmond Tutu has written seven books and has cowritten or contributed to many others.

Bishop Desmond Tutu was born in 1931 in South Africa and he rose to international fame in the 1980s as an opponent of apartheid. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to him in 1984. He has written seven books and has cowritten or contributed to many others.

First-, Second- and Third-Person pronouns

A first-person pronoun refers to the speaker, a second-person pronoun refers to the person being spoken to, and a third-person pronoun refers to the person being spoken of. For each of these three grammatical persons, there is a plural as well.

Subject and Object Pronouns

Imagen 3. Pronombre personales.


You” se usa igual en singular y plural. La diferenciación viene del contexto,
si digo “you Martin” es como si dijera «tú Martin«,
si digo “You Miss Perez” será «usted señorita Perez«,
y si digo “You guys” es como si dijera «ustedes chicos«.

Personal pronouns can be either subjects or objects in a sentence. Subject pronouns are said to be in the nominative case, whereas object pronouns are said to be in the objective case.

Tabla 1. Pronombres de sujeto y objeto.

First singularIme
Second singularYouyou
Third singularHe, She, Ithim, her, it
First pluralWeus
Second pluralYouyou*
Third pluralTheythem

The interrogative pronouns for all three persons are the same: who (nominative) and whom (objective). Many people get confused about when to use the interrogative objective pronoun whom, but it is quite easy to learn.

Mrs. Smith asked for the package to be delivered to her at the office.

(her = third person singular objective)

To whom should I address my letter?

(whom = interrogative objective; I = first person singular nominative)


Now we are going to talk about simple particle Prepositions. They are a class of words that indicate relationships between nouns, pronouns and other words in a sentence. Most often they come before a noun. The good news is that they never change their form, regardless of the case, gender etc. of the word they are referring to.

Preposiciones / Prepositions: in, on, at, to, for, with.

«At, in, on» and »to» are used as both time prepositions and place prepositions in English.

For more on the difference between in, on, at:

Coordinating conjunctions

Some people confuse prepositions with Conjunctions, but a conjunction is a word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause, while a preposition usually describes the position of something.

So, coordinating conjunctions may join single words, or they may join groups of words, but they must always join similar elements:

subject + subject, verb phrase + verb phrase, sentence + sentence.

Coordinating conjunctions are: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. You can check them out in the following video:

Tabla 2. Coordinating conjunctions.

How is your understanding on prepositions?

Try the exercises on the following page:

Prepositions of place

How did you do?

You can always go back to the contents of the class to review them if your score was not good enough.



Los sujetos pueden referirse como primera, segunda y tercera persona, en plural y singular.

  • 1ra persona singular: I
  • 2da persona singular: You
  • 3ra persona singular: He, she, it
  • 1ra persona plural: We
  • 2da persona plural: You
  • 3ra persona plural: They

Es muy relevante identificar sobre todo a la tercera persona en singular (he,she,it) pues más adelante requerimos saber a que se refiere para poder trabajar con ciertas excepciones que aplican a estos sujetos.

*** Remember that English uses the same word, you, for both the second person singular and plural.

We reviewed prepositions, they are words that can link verbs, nouns, and pronouns together, and there are different types, you can always go back to the contents of the class to review them.

Please, do not forget to complete your consignas for this class. See you the next time.