
In this section you can leave your questions and a member of the staff will anwser you.


  1. Hi everyone, I´m a former student of UGTO (many years ago) and I´m interested about practice my “speaking English”. It would be quite useful for my job.

    I listened an add in Radio Universidad de Guanajuato and I want to know if there is a possibility for me.

    Thanks in advance

    Kind regards,

    Alejandro Bernal Tavarez

  2. Hi!! First of all I would like to congratulate all the people behind this english online program for your great work. I find this tools very usefull for everyone at the UG. Now, my question about this program is: May people out of the UG have access to this program?? I have an 11 years old daughter asking for an English course though Homeschooling is not working well and she’s got activities at an orchesta in the afternoons, Monday to Friday, from 16:00 to 20:00. I’ll be waiting your reply.
    The best regards.

    1. Thank you for your message, Anabelle. If you are referring to the English Online program with EF Efekta, I’m afraid that only UG personnel and students are permitted to participate. However, access to our EnglishUGTO site is open. There are lots of interactive exercises and language practice opportunities there, in case you haven’t already explored the entire content of the site.

  3. Estoy interesada en las clases de inglés en línea, no soy alumna ni maestra de la Universidad, es factible poderlas tomar???

  4. Hola, los quiero felicitar por este sitio web, tras revisarlo por unas horas, me parece de excelente calidad, esta muy completo y útil. Bien por esta iniciativa.
    Seguro lo estaré usando.

    ¡Que padre por la idea de los videochats!

  5. Buenas tardes, solicito informes sobre las clases de inglés y asesorías. Entiendo que en breve tendrán horarios definitivos.

    1. Hola.
      Así es. Estamos trabajando en eso y también estamos trabajando para ofrecer horarios de video chat. De mientras, si tienes alguna duda puedes mandarla por este medio y con gusto te atenderemos lo más pronto posible. Gracias por tu mensaje. CASL

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